Accessing a Course

A learning Management System does not do a whole lot of good if you can't access the course content. Fortunately there are a couple of ways to access  your courses, provided the professor has granted students access. What this means is that if it is the start of the semester, you are following this guide, and you still can't find your course, odds are it is because the proffessor has not yet activated the course. Have no fear, just keep checking back regularly and eventually it will be there. As long as you know that the course is up, you can follow this guide to accessing its content.

After logging into the myUNB Portal and clicking into your D2L, you should see the following page.

Locate the term drop down menu, and select the current term that the course you are looking for belongs to.


When you select the term, you should see a list of all the courses in the term selected, just  like the picture below shows. Simply select the class that you are looking for. 

**** If you are looking at old terms, some of the courses will be inaccessible since they are too old and no longer active

You are now in the courses main page. You can click around in here and discover it for yourself, or you can click here to go our tutorial on accessing course content.